Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Uncertainty still prevails whether the profits will continue even after the rise in Asian shares

With the preceding week’s profits on Monday the Asian shares witnessed a high once more along with the rise in the financial stocks through the turn down of the service stocks in Australia. The Nikkei of Japan rose to 2.3 percent, NZX-50 of New Zealand had an addition of 0.5 percent, and Kospi of South Korea gained a high by 1.1 percent. But some of the market analysts were not confident about the continual of the market mood due to the economic slump in America.

One of the experts at RBC Capital Markets was the of the view that with some good days in American market previous week the risk seekers will be able to have their first victory after so many months. Last week The Dow Jones Industrial Average increased to 9.01 percent. No main feedback is observed to the remarks made by Mr. Ben who is the Chairman of Federal Reserve. He was the first Federal chairman to be televised on sixty minutes in over two decades. He said that he believes that the economy will soon get normal and this will only happen after the stabilizing of the various banks and financial markets.

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